Friday, June 30, 2006 |
I don't know how she does it. |
I didn't get a thing done around the house. I hardly ate a thing all day. But at the end of the day, Libby was fed, reasonably clean, and happy.
Now let me explain. Tarah is sick. Not just a little sick. I'm talking the kind of sick where you lose everything you've ate in the last 10 years, SICK. It hit her Wednesday afternoon and showed no mercy. So Thursday morning, I got up and went to the office at 5:30 to receive in our truck, then I came home. That was the easy part of my day, I just didn't know it. Libby didn't wake up until some time around 8, in a good mood and ready for breakfast. It's one of her three favorite meals. I naively thought that I would be able to do some laundry or dishes when she went back down for her nap. HA! First, she didn't want to nap. Then when she did go down, I had to lay in the bed with her and she nearly pushed me off the edge of the mattress. How can someone so small take up an entire bed? Eat, play, maybe nap(but only with Daddy right there). Lather, rinse, repeat. This was the whole day. Libby has turned into a Daddy's girl(insert GINORMOUS grin here) and didn't want me to put her down and leave the room. Libby does this to Tarah everyday, and yet Tarah still gets things done around here. HOW!?
Tarah is doing a little better. She managed to keep some food down but she is still a little weak and dehydrated. Granddad will be here today because I must go back to that evil place called work. I still don't have a clue as to how Tarah manages to do all she does, and I probable won't ever know. But I do know this, she is incredible at her job and I'm a VERY poor substitute. To all you moms out there, I don't know how you do all that you do but keep up the good work. The world would fall apart if you didn't. I know my little part of it suffers whenever Daddy tries to do Moma's job. I love you Tarah. |
posted by Ben @ 5:10 AM |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
May 19, 1960 - June 17, 2006 |
Saturday night I lost my Uncle B. I would like to say I was close to him and that we spent lots of time with each other, but I can't. He lived with us when I was little, but since then we've lived 800 miles apart. I can't remember if it was my second or third birthday that Uncle B bought me EVERY Tonka truck on the market. Although none of those trucks are still around today, I have the memories of playing with them for years.
I look back and I realize that time slips by you faster then you think. It's been almost 11 years since I last saw Uncle B. I know we have talked on the phone in that time but I know I haven't talked to him since moving away from my hometown, two and a half years ago. I can only blame myself for not keeping in touch. I've moved twice since then and he hasn't moved at all.
I love and miss you Uncle B.
posted by Ben @ 11:23 PM |
Saturday, June 17, 2006 |
Perhaps I should try Origami. |
Yesterday afternoon I had an idea for an afghan pattern for Libby, a take on a craft we used to make at bible school called God's Eye. They're weird, intense looking little things made of popsicle sticks and yarn, but I thought I could borrow from the look, use some light variegated yarn and make it cute.
We were a bit busy, and I spent most of the evening doing housework and working on some photoshopping and html for blog features to come. It was midnight before I was finally able to put pen to paper and work out theoretical stitches and gauge for the project. I ran my finished idea by Ben, and satisfied with the start, I went to bed.
This morning after breakfasts were finished, I sat down to do a swatch. I spent the next two hours just trying to figure out what the heck I had been thinking.
Everything I had patterned the night before was completely backwards. I revised, revised, and revised again, each time knitting a new swatch. By early afternoon I figured out exactly what I had intended, but was so thoroughly disgusted with it I quit. When I can look at it without wanting to vomit I suppose I'll try again. |
posted by Tarah @ 10:36 PM |
Thursday, June 15, 2006 |
Tomorrow, I'm taking a mental health day. |
Today started with a bowl of cereal and green beans being flung across the kitchen. Whilst I tried not to cry in frustration, Libby squawked "Daaaaa...... OPA!", when what she should have said was "Mommie Dearest, I'm terribly sorry. Please don't give me to the next traveling carnival to pass through."
Less than an hour later she vomited in the middle of our bed, and giggled.
A bit later, she climbed over a pillow fort and bonked her head on the floor.
On the way out the front door, I stepped on a bird that our outdoor kitties had caught. Crunchy. Yuck.
We met Ben for lunch, and Libby quietly destroyed a pile of napkins while we ate. When I tried to feed her she howled, too busy people-watching to bother with food. I took her outside and we sat in the front seat of the car, me begging and pleading with her to eat now that there were fewer distractions. No luck. But patrons of the restaurant pointed and stared, like I was taking a page from the book of Britney and preparing to drive off, sans properly secured infant ("Ohmigawd, I've just gotta protect my bayyybeee from the papparazzi! It's like, my maternal instinct and stuff, y'all.").
Once said infant was properly secured, it was off to run a few errands. I did everything I possibly could through the magic of drive-thru, and when I looked back, Libby was sleeping peacefully. I know gas is expensive, and I know it was a waste, but I drove around aimlessly for nearly an hour. I needed the peace and quiet, and she needed the nap.
She woke up in the driveway once we were home, well past her dinnertime and completely starved. After she had eaten, she and Ben played on our now quiltless bed while I did laundry. When I checked on them later, I found them napping between mounds of pillows.
I flopped down on the sofa for a short nap, expecting my mom to call by 5 since we had planned to attend a meeting at church together tonight.
At 6, Ben woke me to ask when I would be leaving for my 6:30 meeting, to which I replied "Uh, about 20 minutes ago." I still had to pick up mom, who hadn't called right after work, but had instead indulged in a bit of retail therapy.
I met her in her driveway at 6:29, where we decided that perhaps our presence wouldn't be missed, we'd both had less than a stellar day, and Dairy Queen was a'callin.
I realize that I still haven't posted any pictures of my knitting projects (like you care!), but then again, I've also not posted any pictures of Libby. Blame Blogger! It will let me upload neither directly from my computer, nor from hosting at photobucket. I guess you get what you pay for, and since Blogger is free...well... you get the idea. Typepad is looking better and better.
Knitting and Libby combined: Libby with a scarf I knitted for Ben wrapped around her. |
posted by Tarah @ 10:37 PM |
Sunday, June 11, 2006 |
Yeah, um, hi.
You might have noticed that I've dropped off the face of the earth not posted for a bit. I have no good reasons for this really.
Libby is doing well. She had her six month checkup last week (a bit late, but hey), she appears to be fine and has regained the weight that she lost while sick. Dr. Turtle pronounced her healthy enough for the vaccinations she was due for, and added a rotavirus vaccine for good measure. She still had her appointment with the cardiologist on the 20th, and we're optimistic.
Ben has been put through the wringer used and abused brutally violated challenged at work as of late, and has more than briefly considered a less frustrating and more lucrative career, such as cat herding. The stories run from hilarious to horrible, and I don't dare give details, lest he get dooced. But I will say that there is something in the works that will drastically improve the situation, so keep your fingers crossed.
In what little free time I have had, I've been focusing on my knitting. I had been working on a couple different scarves for a while now, and I finished the one for Ben on Friday evening. Of course I celebrated the finishing of one project by starting two more (Doh!). I may post pictures tomorrow if I have time.
See, no good reason for not posting, huh? |
posted by Tarah @ 11:47 PM |
Saturday, June 03, 2006 |
Underpaid and Overappreciated. |
This site takes all the individual jobs that moms have to do everyday and makes an estimate of what their salaries would be, were they paid in cash rather than hugs and kisses.
I would be making $166,333.00 per year, how about you?
(But of course, I do like hugs and kisses. Chocolate is good too, hint hint.) |
posted by Tarah @ 10:53 PM |
Thursday, June 01, 2006 |
Pigeon Forge Pictures |
I know these are a bit late in coming, but Libby fell ill shortly after we came home.
Libby and Grandad Cozmo at the Shrine Parade:
Libby and Grandad Cozmo with Uncle Dude (Clowning is our family business, and blue hair is genetic): Libby's first motorcycle: Libbykins first swimming pool: Poor tired little pretty baby |
posted by Tarah @ 5:59 PM |
The Best Wife EVER! |
I have the best wife ever, and would you like to know how I can say that? Because we went here on Mother's Day.
That's right. Bass Pro Shop. It's on the way home from Pigeon Forge and Tarah knew how I've been waiting for the chance to get down there since it opened.
I wish we had taken the camera in with us. Libby loved the big fish tank they had. Watching her try to follow the fish as they were swimming around was too cute. |
posted by Ben @ 5:50 PM |
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