Yeah, totally Kudzu now.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
May 19, 1960 - June 17, 2006
Saturday night I lost my Uncle B. I would like to say I was close to him and that we spent lots of time with each other, but I can't. He lived with us when I was little, but since then we've lived 800 miles apart. I can't remember if it was my second or third birthday that Uncle B bought me EVERY Tonka truck on the market. Although none of those trucks are still around today, I have the memories of playing with them for years.

I look back and I realize that time slips by you faster then you think. It's been almost 11 years since I last saw Uncle B. I know we have talked on the phone in that time but I know I haven't talked to him since moving away from my hometown, two and a half years ago. I can only blame myself for not keeping in touch. I've moved twice since then and he hasn't moved at all.

I love and miss you Uncle B.

posted by Ben @ 11:23 PM  
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