Libby started physical therapy for her torticollis last week, which means six times a day for about 10 minutes we torture her mercilessly. Or ourselves, we're not really sure how much it actually hurts her physically, but it's killing us mentally. There's nothing like holding your sweet little angel baby down and twisting her neck till she screams to make you feel like a horrible parent. The illustrator obviously has never seen this exercise performed, there is no smiling involved. By anyone. In a two mile radius. I'm not handling this particularly well. I noticed the muscular oddity in her neck when she was about two months old, but said nothing of it to her pediatrician, for only God knows why, it was just a small difference in muscle proportion, it didn't seem significant. She had no other signs of the condition, and I just brushed it off. I feel like this makes me responsible, and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise.
If you look at the pictures posted more recently, you can see the slight head tilt, huge blaring sign of aforementioned condition, and more evidence that I am horribly stupid, unobservant, and the World's Worst Mother.
I think Ben is posting an update later about the other goings-on around here as of late (and many they are, and tired I am). We have been busy, oh Internets, we have not neglected you without good reason. Many apologies and pinkie promises to be better. |
Sounds about as fun as immunization shots and rectal thermometers!
Hang in there, it's not your fault AT ALL.