Yeah, totally Kudzu now.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
So, it's been several days, and you'd like a meaty post with lots of baby info and the goings on at Casa Kudzu. Well too bad! My brain's fried, so all you're gettin' is a meme. Thank Kelly for passing on the blogging equivalent of crack cocaine.

  1. Tarah wants you to know. Because you should know, knowing's important. *The More You Know* Thanks NBC.
  2. Tarah wants pork wafers. I had to look this one up. Apparently it's some sort of junk food from the Kim Possible cartoon. I'm actually relieved, after all this is the south, I thought someone might have found a whole new kind of gross.
  3. Tarah wants to get to gether to marrow. To marrow? Like the stuff inside bones? Spell check just can't help some people.
  4. Tarah wants to find me a boyfriend. Totally. A pediatrician, who'll be so grateful for the introduction that he will take my frantic phone calls at all hours, and never sound ticked that I woke him up.
  5. Tarah wants to be seen with a smart guy. Smart guy? Okay folks, time to bust out the handy, dandy Wikipedia and look up "oxymoron."
  6. Tarah wants to trade work for use of a car. A nice car. Not to be confused with the Escort of Shame parked in my driveway currently. Actually a minivan would be better, one with the remote that opens the doors automatically. Work? Well jeez, isn't just bein' pretty enough?
  7. Tarah wants to speak to you. Do you feel that your long distance phone service is serving you well? Here at Kudzu Bell, we have some discounted packages that we think you'll be interested in. *click* Hello? Hello?
  8. Tarah wants to work in the US. I don't care what anyone says, I'm already working in the US. That snooty teen queen who works reception in our doctor's office can take her "unemployed" categorization of me and stick it in her ear. I'm a stay at home mom, dangit. I can work circles around her blonde frosted butt.
  9. Tarah wants attention. How did they know? Hey, Hey look at me, look at me!
  10. Tarah wants to be cool. I so already am. Too cool for school.

I had so much fun, I even did Ben:

  1. Ben wants to be a millionaire. Well no kiddin'. Who doesn't?
  2. Ben wants to toe the J. Lo line. Doubtful, not even for the aforementioned million dollars. I don't know what kind of prescription Marc Anthony has to put up with her, but whatever it is, I want double the dose.
  3. Ben wants Dustin. Um, only if he's a general contractor, we need the bathroom remodeled. Dustin had better be a tile genius. Bonus points if he refinishes my kitchen cabinets.
  4. Ben wants you. But barring that possibility, he'd take a two liter of Dew and some homemade pot roast.
  5. Ben wants New Jersey. That's right, the whole state, just hand it over and noone has to get hurt. Whaddya mean "Why?" It's the garden state, 'nuff said.
  6. Ben wants to give back rub to Annabelle. Over my dead body.
  7. Ben wants Kate to leave the sleuthing to the authorities. Of course, Kate should let the authorities figure out who was doing lines in those pictures because it certainly wasn't her. She was too busy doing heroin in her underwear. Snorting blow is so last season.
  8. Ben wants to know how you'd describe him. Because he's feelin' a little low, so come on now, feed the ego.
  9. Ben wants his own life. So he can feed it, and pet it, and love it, and call it George.
  10. Ben wants ham radio. Probably not, but he might go for a ham sandwich.
posted by Tarah @ 7:10 PM  
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