10 Things Libby Loves:
- Dutchins Bunny (she will not sleep without him)
- Cuddling
- Nakedness
- Baths
- Billie (the cat)
- Ceiling fans
- Her Alli Gator (he's machine washable, I love him too)
- Kneebouncers
- Having her hair brushed
- Dancing (huge Frank Sinatra fan already, likes Perry Como also)
10 Things Libby Hates:
- Snow (a true suthnuh)
- Naps (she might miss something)
- Tummytime
- Back Sleeping
- Cereal with apple juice
- Socks
- Noisy Crowds
- The smell of Doritos (hilarious)
- Nose suctioning
- Vaccinations (and again I say, shots are bad)
Happy Five Month Birthday Libby, We Love You |